Monday, April 11, 2011

Karina Smirnoff Reveals Why She Posed for 'Playboy'

Karina Smirnoff Reveals Why She Posed for 'Playboy'

Last week, news broke that Karina Smirnoff, current dance partner to Ralph Macchio on Dancing with the Stars and five-time U.S. National Champion for ballroom dancing, had stripped down for Playboy. Rumors swirled that the ABC folks might not be too happy about their dancer getting naked -- and possibly tarnishing the show's G-rated image.

So is Smirnoff, 32, afraid there will be consequences from her DWTS bosses? Judging by her Playboy interview, probably not. "I'm fearless and love the adrenaline rush," the dancing pro says. She adds that she's very proud of the pictorial, where she appears in nothing more than trailing red ribbons.

Clearly Smirnoff, who describes herself as "the sexy, sultry dancer of the ballroom" in her DWTS voiceover, is proud of her sexuality -- and body. "Sexy is the confident energy a person produces," she tells Playboy. "Sexy is the comfortable feeling of being who you are."


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