Little Monsters outside the new Gaga window displays at Barneys tell us what they expect from the clip, which debuts Thursday (December 1).
By Jocelyn Vena, with reporting by Brian Phares
Lady Gaga
Photo: Emmanuel Dunand/ Getty Images
Have you RSVP'd for Lady Gaga's wedding yet? On Thursday (December 1), Gaga will make it official with all things nighttime when she premieres her self-directed video for her track "Marry the Night." Shot in Gaga's hometown of New York City in October, previews have shown that in Gaga's world, anything can happen, including vintage-feeling trips to the psych ward and "Fame"-esque dance numbers.
When MTV News caught up with some of Gaga's Little Monsters outside of Barneys in New York City, they weighed in on what they thought might go down in Mother Monster's latest video.
"I had some inside info ... lots of explosions, lots of hair, lots of makeup, lots of symbolism, lots of Gaga," Catherine Lloyd dished. "It's gonna be perfect."
Kyle Larkins has no doubt that the video will be all Gaga all the time. "I have no idea what to expect from the 'Marry the Night' video. It's Gaga," he said. "She's crazy in all wonderful ways, so I'm looking forward to see what she's going to come up with." "My expectations are that it's going to be over-the-top," Alisa Lopez added. "She derives most of her inspiration from, well, her videographical inspiration — from Michael Jackson's videos, Madonna's videos — so I'm expecting it'll be longer than 10 minutes."
While no one but Gaga knows what will happen in the video until it drops, Vanity Fair was on set during filming, and Gaga described it as "autobiographical," adding that she's "getting ready to relive the worst day of my life" in the clip. Shot on the day when Gaga was wheeled through a hospital on a gurney, she added that "it's chaotic and sad. But I don't want it to be safe." The scene reportedly is based on a situation in her real life.
Fan Amy Guerra made this guess about the video: "I'm expecting Gaga to reveal some stuff that we don't know about her. ... I am really excited to see it because I'm a big fan of her and I know she'll just meet my expectations."
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