Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Nick Lachey Reveals His Wife Vanessa Is Pregnant

Nick and Vanessa Lachey are going to be parents! The former boy bander revealed the news that his wife is preggers today. It was just last week that the “is Vanessa pregnant” rumors began circulating and while co-hosting Live with Kelly today, Nick Lachey spilled the beans that she is indeed with child. The soon to be dad was like a child in a candy store as he talked about becoming a father for the first time, it was really cute to be honest. The mom to be has been quiet so far regarding the news but I don?t expect that to last very long. Something tells me she has only been quiet so that her hubby could share the news the way he did, just my two cents. The news that the couple, who were married last summer, are expanding their family does not come as a surprise. Both Nick and Vanessa have made no secret about their desire to have children. As for whether or not they are going to find out the sex of the baby, Nick told Kelly that they will definitely find out if they need to be painting the nursery blue or pink but [...]

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RightCelebrity/~3/rSH8yjQbY0k/

Jamie Lynn Sigler

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