Monday, June 25, 2012

Kris Jenner Put Kim On The Pill At 14

Kris Jenner was on the Bethenny show where she talked about raising her kids, and putting Kim on birth control at 14. Go ahead and judge, but I am pretty sure there would have been a grandbaby Kardashian a whole lot sooner had she not. Lets face it, Kim is a very sexual person. I mean that is really why she is famous in the first place. So honestly Kris talking about putting Kimmy on the pill at 14 is not that shocking. In fact I will say it is responsible parenting. She says Kim came to her and told her she was ?feeling sexual.? What was she supposed to do? Give her the abstinence talk? I mean sure, do that too, but when a kid is ready, there is pretty much no stopping them. I give her props for having such an open relationship with her kids. That is wonderful that her kids feel comfortable enough to talk to her about that kid of stuff at such a young age. Kris, who bless her heart has five girls, says it has happened for each daughter at a different age, but the response is the same: I drive as fast [...]


Halle Berry

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