Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Zac Gordon: The Horse VIDEO

If you haven’t watched America’s Got Talent this season or you missed yesterdays episode, I am sure that you are hearing about Zac Gordon “the horse.” Basically this guy gets kicked and smashes things repeatedly on his man parts.   AGT is a family show, but even my husband cringed and I covered my sons eyes when we watched Zac Gordon “the horse” or Mr. they call me nasty – as his shirt said. He had people smashing cinder blocks, kicking him and hitting him in his man sack. Even Nick Cannon got in on the action!   I love the show, there is always something you would never think of!� We wanted to know more about Zac so I looked up his Facebook profile, which says,   A gymnast with balls of steel! I am a Full-time stay at home dad/ daredevil. I love my family and strive to support them doing what I love. I don’t want to look back on life and feel that I wasted it. Slaving a way for some corporation resulting in barley ever getting to enjoy the people I love or belongings that I work for is not my idea of a for-filling [...]

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RightCelebrity/~3/O6-GYZDAvMQ/

Giuliana DePandi

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