Monday, July 23, 2012

Anne Hathaway Short Hair Fashion Fail!

Anne Hathaway may have the boyish short-haired look for a role, but I just can’t even look at her that way! I know, it’s stupid to obsess over an actor or actresses look when they are trying to play a role, but this is really ruining her for me. It’s not even tolerable. She looks a little bit like that girl from the 80s movie who pretended to be a boy in high school. I think it was called “Just One Of The Guys.” Hathaway looks like her, but with better teeth. So let’s go ahead and get this role over with so we can go back to something normal. It is really bothering me, if you couldn’t tell. In fairness, she did it to be in character for Les Miserables, and even she had trouble with it, saying: “I wasn’t expecting it to be a big deal. It was my idea to do it, since it was something the character did… I realized I couldn’t take it back. [I was] a mental patient level of crying… I was inconsolable.” So we’ll forgive her for now, but let’s see the normal Anne sometime soon. Pictures: PR Photos


Aubrey ODay

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