Friday, February 25, 2011

David Arquette Tells Oprah He Wants to Save His Marriage

David Arquette Tells Oprah He Wants to Save His Marriage

Over the years, David Arquette and Courteney Cox's marriage has been plagued by Arquette's substance abuse issues, tabloid accusations that Cox cheated and a very public instance of Arquette publically blabbing about details of the couple's sex life. And yet Arquette still hopes he and Cox can salvage their marriage.

"I'd love for it to work out," he said Thursday on The Oprah Winfrey Show.

Right now, however, the ball is in Cox's court. "I want her to be happy," Arquette, 39, told Oprah. "If me being the best person I can be doesn't make her happy in a partner, in who she needs, whatever she's looking for, that's still to be answered."

Arquette just completed a 28-day stint in alcohol rehab and is beginning to deal with deep-seated issues that he attributes to a chaotic childhood in which he tried beer at 4, stole pot from his dad at 8 and began seriously abusing alcohol at age 12. David's sisters, Patricia and Rosanna Arquette, said during the show that their father was an unpredictable drug and alcohol addict and their mother could be violent. They lived in a home, they said, where there were "a lot of chairs flying around" and "a lot of holes punched in walls."

David said his parents eventually turned their lives around, but his background left him as a person who wanted to "fix things" and "be the perfect husband." But that was not true to his authentic self, he said, and that inability to be genuine led him to years of drinking and drugs.

Arquette and Cox met 16 years ago on the set of Scream and went through couples counseling before they married in 1999. Daughter Coco was born six-and-a-half years ago, and all seemed well. But the pair's marriage deteriorated over time, and they separated last fall. "I felt really sort of abandoned at that point," Arquette told Oprah, admitting he was further hurt by tabloid stories that claimed Cox was having an affair.

Arquette said Cox was not having an affair, but admitted that he had a fling with a waitress he had met. Still, he said, he felt stung when the news was revealed and he was called a "cheater," since he and his wife were living separately at that point. "My blood just boiled," he said. "(A cheater) is one thing I am not."

It seems like a fine distinction, similar to one made on Cox's old show Friends: Ross (David Schwimmer) argues that his dalliance with another woman shouldn't count because he and Rachel (Cox's good friend Jennifer Aniston) were "on a break." Rachel didn't buy it then -- though she did eventually get back together with Ross -- and it remains to be seen whether the real Cox is buying it now.

But according to Arquette, Cox has continued to be supportive, and even helped staged the intervention that led to his nascent recovery. He told Winfrey he's been sober since Dec. 30, sees Coco a few days a week and hopes for the best with Cox.

"We truly love each other with all our heart," he said. Whether it's as friends or as husband and wife, "I know that I'll be with her my whole life."

We truly wish the best for the pair, and hope that regardless of whether Arquette and Cox are able to salvage their marriage, David continues on what will surely be a difficult journey toward true healing.

Do you think David Arquette and Courteney Cox will get back together? Chime in below!


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